Important COVID-19 Protocol
Alamo Decks & Fence Deemed an “Essential Business” During COVID-19 Pandemic
We are working diligently to follow the recommendations made by the Center for Disease Control, as well as the federal and state guidance provided to essential businesses.
- Our goal is to keep our employees and customers safe and protected through these challenging times.
- Our salesman will sanitize hands and wear proper face coverings to each appointment as well as social distance when visiting customers.
- If our customers do not feel safe meeting with our salesman we will be happy to look at your project and leave a quote at your front door.
Given the fluidity of this pandemic, we will continually make adjustments where needed to keep our customers and team members safe.

If you’re looking to beautify and enhance the security of your property, turn to Alamo Decks & Fence in Bexar County. We truly value our customers, which is why you can trust us to build your fence using the highest quality materials at the best prices possible.